How Aftercare Can Assist A Child’s Development
A dyslexic child doesn’t need to be locked out of learning because of his reading and writing challenges
In a country with 11 official languages, mother tongue books are not always easily available, and most children’s books lack…
For families and learners, exam time is stressful, placing extra pressure on all members of the household. Here are a…
Hearing that your child might benefit from occupational therapy is not easy, but it might be exactly what they need
Manage your child's stress and anxiety before these feelings become debilitating
It's not easy to go back to work when your maternity leave ends, but having a good nanny can smooth things over.
Some children find it difficult to read or write. Others find it difficult to understand what they read. Some children struggle to make friends. But the earlier the problem is diagnosed and treated, the better. The key is intervention.
As a parent, you have a lot to manage and remember. From paying school fees on time to making sure…