All About Children’s Music Lessons
Parents all want their children to be little Mozarts, but there is a right time and place to expose them to the rigours of music lessons
Parents all want their children to be little Mozarts, but there is a right time and place to expose them to the rigours of music lessons
Are we overloading our children with after-school activities? There are so many extramurals on offer – the only limit seems the size of your budget
A parent’s guide through the different martial arts available to children
The benefits of exposing children to the performing arts
Help build well-balanced, well-rounded children by choosing the right extramurals for them
Parents who want their children to be competitive in sport but always to demonstrate good sportsmanship (even when they lose) must lead by example
There’s a new approach to learning, designed to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Much has been written about the…