A Healthy Dose of Technology
Managing your health successfully can be as simple as finding the right app
Managing your health successfully can be as simple as finding the right app
Millennials have embraced technology as a valuable tool in their parenting journey. They utilise a range of digital resources to access parenting information, seek support from online communities, and find answers to their questions.
Children need access to the world of technology, but many parents are concerned about when to give their child a cellphone.
While the experts agree that too much screen time can be detrimental to children, there’s also evidence to suggest that…
Disney has launched the new Neo, a children’s smartwatch that enables parents to stay in touch with children from the comfort of their own smartphone.
Teachers have a profound impact on the lives of our children. With the right skills, teachers can inspire and help…
While many South African families rely on domestic employees to look after our families, less than half have the security…
Many schools were making use of technology in the classroom before the pandemic. But, lockdown allowed them to take classrooms…
Questions you should be asking before buying your child a smartphone
So just how can we integrate technology into parenting and model smart usage? We did some digging and found that…