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One of the easiest ways for dads to bond with their children is simply by sharing a story.

Fathers have an important role to play in the lives of their children. Research tells us that fathers can strengthen their children’s development when they are actively involved and interested in the lives of their children. And sharing a story is one of the best ways to create quality father-and-child time, which increases children’s self-esteem, confidence and social skills.

There is no single “right” way for fathers to do this. There are different ways that dads can connect with their children. Playing together, sharing a story, going to school events, and simply chatting on the phone.

The key is to do these things regularly. Even small amounts of time spent together are special; they help forge a bond and make memories. And, although it is best for dads to be involved from early in their children’s lives, it is never too late to re-connect with your children.

Building confidence

Having a close relationship with their fathers helps children feel wanted and secure. Quality father-and-child time increases children’s self-esteem, confidence and social skills. And, it is equally important for girls as it is for boys.

Academic growth

Children with involved fathers benefit academically. The amount of time fathers spend with their children daily can have a greater effect on school results than the amount of money they earn.

The amount of time fathers spend reading with their children is one of the best ways of predicting how well their children will read and write. Dads who read to their children are reading role models for them. They show their children that literacy is important, and that reading is an enjoyable, satisfying activity. And, children who read regularly for pleasure perform better in the classroom, regardless of their family’s socio-economic standing.

This means that men have the power to nurture their children’s emotional and academic development simply by reading and sharing stories with them regularly!

Read more about the value of dads sharing a story with children.

Happy dads, healthy kids

Of course, fathers also benefit from being involved in their children’s lives. Involved dads have more confidence and self-esteem themselves, have a better relationship with their children and experience more satisfaction as parents.

And, while the educational value of fathers reading to children is critical, it has the added benefit of building a deep and emotional bond between father and child. This bond secures healthy emotional growth, adding to the total wellbeing and increased development of the child. This, in turn, positions the child to become a better parent later.

So, this Father’s Day, why not start a tradition of reading and sharing stories with your children?