Have you thought about what would happen if you are exposed to Covid-19 and contract the virus? Are you prepared to self isolate for two weeks, or, even worse, for hospitalisation? With thousands of new Covid-19 infections occurring daily in South Africa and the possibility of contracting the virus likely to increase over the next few months.
“While more than 80% of people are only likely to be mildly ill with Covid-19, there are still things that you should plan and organise if you have to self-isolate at home for the obligatory 14 days. So it is well worth doing a bit of ‘scenario planning’. Ensure you know how to prepare for the possibility of contracting Covid-19 ” advises Geraldine Bartlett, Chief Professional Officer at Universal Healthcare, one of South Africa’s foremost healthcare companies.
How to prepare for the possibility of contracting Covid-19
“As none of us ultimately knows how seriously we may get the disease, it may be sensible to plan ahead in the event that we become one of those unfortunate enough to require hospitalisation. This is particularly important for those who are living alone, a single parent living with young children, or someone who is at risk of developing a more serious Covid-19 infection,” she adds.
The importance of contingency planning
Bartlett, who is also a qualified pharmacist, believes it is now important for all South Africans to prepare for the possibility of becoming infected. She shares a number of tips on how to plan for such an eventuality.
It’s all in the planning
“If you live with others it is a good idea to talk with the members of your household to establish what they should do in the event that you do get sick. Together you can plan who will prepare the meals, do the laundry, go out to do the shopping, take the children to school, walk the dogs, and so on,” she advises.
And keeping your distance
It is especially important to identify a specific room or part of the house where you can stay separated from the rest of the household while in isolation in the event you do contract the illness. If this is not possible then it will be important to wear surgical masks inside the home. Ideally, you should also have your own designated bathroom. Should you have to share, make sure you carefully clean the facilities after every use.
Stay connected
If you live alone it is important that you have someone check in on you once a day. Either by phone or via a messaging service. Plan in advance who this will be and discuss it with them to get their buy-in. It can also be a good idea to give a set of keys to someone who can assist you if your illness worsens suddenly and you become incapacitated.
As a single parent it is important to make plans regarding who would look after your children if you have to go to hospital. Discuss these contingencies with the individual concerned beforehand. If you have pets, make plans about who would care for them if you needed to be hospitalised.
Who is at risk of contracting Covid-19?
People over the age of 60 and those with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, chronic lung disease, cancer, and kidney failure, are at higher risk of getting seriously ill if they get infected. “You should therefore develop a strategy about what to do about these vulnerable people in your home if you get sick with Covid-19. It may be a good idea to plan for vulnerable individuals to rather stay elsewhere while you are self-isolating.”
What is self-isolating?
Fortunately, most people who get COVID-19 will have only a mild illness and should recover at home. If you have been asked to self-isolate at home, you should:
- Stay at home for 14 days
- Refrain from going to work
- Never leave your home to go anywhere, except for medical care
- Not have visitors to your home; rather keep in touch with your family, friends and colleagues by phone, email and/or social media
- Ask family or friends to help get/buy things you need such as groceries or medicines
- Order what you need online. Checkers has a wonderful same-day delivery service for all your food. Download the Checkers Sixty60 app for groceries, cleaning products, baby products and all your health and beauty needs.
“It is most important that you follow these instructions otherwise you may well spread the virus in the community,” she emphasises.
Stocking up for self-isolation
Stock up with items you will need if you have to be in self-isolation at home for the period of 14 days. Things you should make sure you have an adequate supply of beforehand include your chronic medicines; paracetamol; throat spray; toiletries; and of course sufficient non-perishable foods.
“Those who have contracted the virus should take care to monitor their symptoms carefully. This is particularly important for individuals who are at greater risk of developing a serious disease. You should call your doctor if your symptoms are getting worse, your symptoms have not improved after seven days, or if you have any symptoms that are concerning to you.
What is a Covid-19 emergency?
“It’s important to be ready in case of an emergency due to Covid-19 infection. One way you can do this is by making a list of important things such as your doctor’s telephone number, the contact details of the nearest, or preferred, hospital and emergency service, your medical scheme details, and a list of the chronic medicines you are taking. Keep this list to hand and give a copy to the person who will help you if your illness suddenly becomes worse.”
So what exactly are the signs of a possible Covid-19 emergency? Bartlett says that these warning signs may include:
- Trouble breathing
- Chest pain or pressure in your chest that does not go away
- Coughing up blood
- Becoming confused
- Severe sleepiness (inability to wake or stay awake)
- Blue lips or face
“In the event that you develop any of these warning signs, call your nearest hospital or emergency services immediately. Notify them that you have a confirmed case of Covid-19 disease. Avoid taking public transport to the hospital. Either use private transport, preferably with windows rolled down, or call emergency services for an ambulance if required. And you should always, of course, wear a face mask at all times” she advises.
All the key COVID-19 information for medical advice, online resources and WhatsApp communication is available online.
“While we may not always be able to control every aspect of our lives during a global pandemic, we can take action to ensure that we are empowered. Be prepared in the event that you do get ill and have to spend time in self-isolation or hospital. A bit of planning can go a long way to not only keeping us all safer but also provides us with a greater sense of control over these unusual and unprecedented circumstances,” concludes Bartlett.
Not wearing a mask is now a criminal offense, so always wear one when venturing out or accepting deliveries. To find out the most common mistakes people make when wearing a mask, read more.