Bundu Bash Adventure & Goldmine Tour Holiday Programme

Registration for this event begins at 7:45am at the Kloofendal Nature Reserve Ecological Centre. The children need to bring a snack and refreshment for the morning break 10h00 – 10h30, and a packed lunch for lunchtime. Please note that this event is limited to 30 participants.

8am to 10am – Bundu Bash Adventure: explore the reserve, off the paths, find old goldmine tunnels. Bring head torches if you have?

10:30am to 12am – Goldmine Tour: Visit the Confidence Reef Goldmine, learn about the early goldminers who explored on the West Rand, learn how the gold was extracted from the gold bearing rock, how the stamp mills worked. Gold panning.

12am to 1pm – Lunch, play and games.

The Friends of Kloofendal Holiday program is run by qualified field guides and is suitable for children between 6 and 12 years of age. Bookings can be made for specific days on Quicket, on kloofendalfriends.org.za/events

For queries, please contact the Friends of Kloofendal (phone, WhatsApp) on 079 693-5608. For more information about Kloofendal Nature Reserve and a map to the reserve, please go to www.kloofendalfriends.org.za

The event is finished.


Dec 22 2022


8:00 am - 1:00 pm

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