Do Children Really Need Supplements and Vitamins?

To ensure optimal health, it’s important that children get enough vitamins and minerals – especially as their minds and bodies grow. But do children really need supplements and vitamins over and above a healthy diet?

There’s a reason why so many vitamin supplements are on shelves today, for parents and children. It’s not just because ‘pill popping’ has become a marketing ploy and a quick fix for a poor lifestyle. It’s because picky eaters, over-processed food and trying to pack too much into an often stressful day has left the majority of us needing a supplement in one form or another.

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Child Magazine | Health | Do Children Really Nedd Vitamins and Supplements

What’s lacking and why?

According to Michelle B Lewis, a Cape-Town based nutrition and natural health coach, “we all need some sort of assistance when it comes to our diet. This is largely because of environmental pollutants, and that a lot of the foods we eat today are processed.” She explains that proper eating and correct food combinations are vital, and good nutritional development starts in the womb.

We all need a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and the forgotten nutrient, water. Of course, eating healthily isn’t always possible, especially when it comes to picky eaters. But this is where vitamin supplements serve a purpose.

Read more about minerals and vitamins.

Do we need a supplement?

Opinion on whether or not you or your child needs to take a vitamin supplement is divided. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that it’s up to you and your family doctor to decide what you need to take and why. Michelle says that while we don’t have to take supplements, she believes that we do need to help our bodies as much as possible. However, a supplement should never be used to replace a meal.

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What you need and when

  1. Toddlers and children who are picky eaters (or are going through a phase of unbalanced eating) will benefit from a supplement for that period. Also, families that follow vegetarian and vegan diets will most likely need a supplement too.
  2. Growing children often need a supplement for their general health and development. If your child has been sick or has a low immune system, then a vitamin C and zinc supplement may be helpful.
  3. While the sun is the best source of vitamin D, children who don’t get enough regular sunshine might also benefit from a vitamin D supplement.
  4. Older children and teenagers are said to need cold-pressed oils such as omega and essential fatty acids. This is especially true for sporty children, or those busy with exams. Not only are the omegas believed to help with bone and brain development, they help with peak endurance and concentration too. They’re also thought to assist with hyperactivity.
  5. When your daughter starts menstruating, you might consider an iron supplement or evening primrose oil to combat premenstrual tension.
  6. Parents who find themselves feeling rundown would need a vitamin supplement, and taking one should be part of their daily routine. “They help combat stress. Also, a vitamin B complex is very important for women,” says Lewis.

Tip: Parents wanting to give their children vitamin and mineral supplements should make sure that it contains no more than the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) of the vitamins and minerals for the ages of their children. RDAs are set high enough to more than meet the needs of most individuals in that category.

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